Thursday, 9 February 2012

HP QTP - QuickTest Prof. 10.0 Question Bank - Part 2

Q. 51: What is the use of Mapping Repository Parameter Values in QTP?
We can map repository parameters that are used in shared object repositories that are associated with our action. Mapping a repository parameter to a value or parameter specifies the property values used to
identify the test object during a run session. We can specify that the property value is taken from a constant value, or parameterize it using a Data Table, random number, environment, or test parameter.
We can map each repository parameter as required in each test that has an associated object repository containing repository parameters.
If we do not map a repository parameter, the default value that was defined with the parameter, if any, is used during the action run. If the parameter is unmapped, meaning no default value was specified for it, the test run may fail if a test object cannot be identified because it has an unmapped parameter value.
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Q. 52: What are the various Object Properties in QTP?
QTP has a predefined set of properties that it learns for each test object. If these mandatory property values are not sufficient to uniquely identify a learned object, QTP can add some assistive properties and an ordinal identifier to create a unique description.
Mandatory properties are properties that QTP always learns for a particular test object class.
Assistive properties are properties that QTP learns only if the mandatory properties that QTP learns for a particular object in our application are not sufficient to create a unique description. If several assistive properties are defined for an object class, then QTP learns one assistive property at a time, and stops as soon as it creates a unique description for the object. If QTP does learn assistive properties, those properties are added to the test object description.
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Q. 53: What are the types of Ordinal Identifiers used by QTP to identify an object?
1) Index Property: It indicates the order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
2) Location Property:It indicates the order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.
3) CreationTime Property: It is applicable for Browser Object only. It Indicates the order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description.
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Q. 54: What is Index Property for Identifying the Objects in QTP?
While learning an object, QTP can assign a value to the test object’s Index property to uniquely identify the object. The value is based on the order in which the object appears within the source code. The first occurrence is 0.
Index property values are object-specific. Therefore, if we use Index:=3 to describe a WebEdit test object, QTP searches for the fourth WebEdit object in the page. However, if we use Index:=3 to describe a WebElement object, QTPt searches for the fourth Web object on the page - regardless of the type - because the WebElement object applies to all Web objects.
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Q. 55: What is Location Property for Identifying the Objects in QTP?
While learning an object, QTP can assign a value to the test object’s Location property to uniquely identify the object. The value is based on the order in which the object appears within the window, frame, or dialog box, in relation to other objects with identical properties. The first occurrence of the object is 0. Values are assigned in columns from top to bottom, and left to right.
Location property values are object-specific. Therefore, if we use Location:=3 to describe a WinButton test object, QTP searches from top to bottom, and left to right for the fourth WinButton object in the page. However, if you use Location:=3 to describe a WinObject object, QTP searches from top to bottom, and left to right for the fourth standard object on the page - regardless of the type - because the WinObject object applies to all standard objects.
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Q. 56: What is Creation Time Property for Identifying the Objects in QTP?
While learning a browser object, if QTP is unable to uniquely identify the object according to its test object description, it assigns a value to the CreationTime test object property. This value indicates the order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description. The first browser that opens receives the value CreationTime = 0.
During the run session, if QTP is unable to identify a browser object based solely on its test object description, it examines the order in which the browsers were opened, and then uses the CreationTime property to identify the correct one.
For example, if we record a test on three otherwise identical browsers that are opened at 9:01 pm, 9:03 pm, and 9:05 pm, QTP assigns the CreationTime values, as follows: CreationTime = 0 to the 9:01 am browser, CreationTime = 1 to the 9:03 am browser, and CreationTime = 2 to the 9:06 am browser.
At 10:30 pm, when we run our test, suppose the browsers are opened at 10:31 pm, 10:33 pm, and 10:34 pm. QTP identifies the browsers, as follows: the 10:31 pm browser is identified with the browser test object with CreationTime = 0, 10:33 pm browser is identified with the test object with CreationTime = 1, 10:34 pm browser is identified with the test object with CreationTime = 2.

Q. 57: What is the Smart Identification Process of QTP
If QTP activates the Smart Identification mechanism during a run session, it follows the following process to identify the object:
1 QTP "forgets" the learned test object description and creates a new object candidate list containing the objects that match all of the properties defined in the Base Filter Properties list.
2 QTP filters out any object in the object candidate list that does not match the first property listed in the Optional Filter Properties list. The remaining objects become the new object candidate list.
3 QTP evaluates the new object candidate list:
# If the new object candidate list still has more than one object, QTP uses the new (smaller) object candidate list to repeat step 2 for the next optional filter property in the list.
# If the new object candidate list is empty, QTP ignores this optional filter property, returns to the previous object candidate list, and repeats step 2 for the next optional filter property in the list.
# If the object candidate list contains exactly one object, then QTP concludes that it has identified the object and performs the statement containing the object.
4 QTP continues the process described in steps 2 and 3 until it either identifies one object, or runs out of optional filter properties to use. If, after completing the Smart Identification elimination process, QTP still cannot identify the object, then QTP uses the learned description plus the ordinal identifier to identify the object. If the combined learned description and ordinal identifier are not sufficient to identify the object, then QTP stops the run session and displays a Run Error message.
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Q. 58: What happens in case Smart Identification fails to identify the object in QTP?
If the Smart Identification mechanism cannot successfully identify the object, QTP uses the learned description plus the ordinal identifier to identify the object.
If the object is still not identified, the test fails and a normal failed step is displayed in the results.
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Q. 59: What is the use of Repository Parameters in QTP?
Repository parameters enable us to specify that certain property values should be parameterized, but leave the actual parameterization to be defined in each test that is associated with the object repository that contains the parameterized test object property values.
Repository parameters are useful when we want to create and run tests on an object that changes dynamically. An object may change dynamically if it is frequently updated in the application, or if its property values are set using dynamic content, for example, from a database.
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Q. 60: How can we locate Test Objects in an Object Repository?
We can search for a specific test object in our object repository in many ways.
We can search for a test object according to its type. For example, we can search for a specific edit box, or we can point to an object in our application to automatically highlight that same object in our repository.
We can replace specific property values with other property values. For example, we can replace a property value userName with the value user name.
We can also select an object in our object repository and highlight it in our application to check which object it is.
After making sure that we shared object repository is the active window, we locate an object in a shared object repository in the same way as we locate it in a local object repository. If we want to replace property values, we must also make sure that the object repository is editable.
Q. 61: How can we perform Merge Operations among various Object Repositories?
The Object Repository Merge Tool enables us to merge test objects from the local object repository of one or more actions to a shared object repository using the Update from Local Repository option in the Object Repository Manager.
For example, we may have learned test objects locally in a specific action in our test and want to add them to the shared object repository so they are available to all actions in different tests that use that object repository. We can also use the Object Repository Merge Tool to merge two shared object repositories into a single shared object repository.
We open the Object Repository Merge Tool by choosing Tools > Object Repository Merge Tool in the Object Repository Manager.
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Q. 62: How can we perform Import & Export Operations among various Object Repositories?
We can import and export object repositories from and to XML files. XML provides a structured, accessible format that enables us to make changes to object repositories using the XML editor of our choice and then import them back into QTP.
We can import and export files either from and to the file system or a Quality Center project.
We can import an XML file as an object repository. The XML file can either be an object repository that we exported to XML format using the Object Repository Manager, or an XML file created using a tool such as QTP Siebel Test Express or a custom built utility. We must adhere to the XML structure and format.
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Q. 63: How can we Integrate QTP with Quality Center?
We integrate QTP with Quality Center using the Quality Center Connectivity Add-in. This add-in is installed on our QTP computer automatically when we connect QTP to Quality Center using the Quality Center Connection dialog box. We can also install it manually from the Quality Center Add-ins page (available from the Quality Center main screen) by choosing Quality Center Connectivity.
Integrating QTP with Quality Center enables us to store and access QTP tests and function libraries in a Quality Center project, when QTP is connected to Quality Center.
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Q. 64: What is the use of Template Tests in QTP?
Template tests serve as the basis for all QTP tests created in Quality Center. A template test is a QTP test that contains default test settings. For example, a template test might specify the QTP add-ins, associated function libraries, and recovery scenarios that are associated with a test. We can modify these test settings in the Test Settings dialog box (File > Settings) in QTP.
In addition to default test settings, a template test can also contain any comments or steps we want to include with all new QTP tests created in Quality Center. For example, we may want to add a comment notifying users which add-ins are associated with the template test, or we may want to add a step that opens a specific Web page or application at the beginning of every test. Any steps or comments we add to a template test are included in all new tests created in Quality Center that are based on that template test.
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Q. 65: How can we create a QTP Test in Quality Center?
In Quality Center, we create QTP tests in the Test Plan module. When you create a QTP test, we apply a template test to it. We can choose either the default template test stored on our QTP client, or a template test that is saved in our Quality Center project.
If we do not have any template tests saved in our Quality Center project, or if we choose in the Template box, Quality Center uses the settings defined in the template test that was installed with the QTP Add-in for Quality Center on our Quality Center client.
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Q. 66: What is Business Process Testing Model?
The Business Process Testing model is role-based, allowing non-technical Experts working in Quality Center to collaborate effectively with Automation Engineers working in QTP.
Non-technical Subject Matter Experts define and document business processes, business components, and business process tests, while Automation Engineers define the required resources and settings, such as shared object repositories, function libraries, and recovery scenarios. Together, they can build, data-drive, document, and run business process tests, without requiring programming knowledge on the part of the Non-technical Subject Matter Expert.
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Q. 67: What is the role of Subject Matter Expert in the Business Process Testing Model?
The Subject Matter Expert has specific knowledge of the application logic, a high-level understanding of the entire system, and a detailed understanding of the individual elements and tasks that are fundamental to the application being tested.
This enables the Subject Matter Expert to determine the operating scenarios or business processes that must be tested and identify the key business activities that are common to multiple business processes.
During the design phase, the Subject Matter Expert works with the Automation Engineer to identify the resources and settings needed to automate the components, enabling the Automation Engineer to prepare them.
The Subject Matter Expert configures the values used for business process tests, runs them in test sets, and reviews the results. The Subject Matter Expert is also responsible for maintaining the testing steps for each of the individual business components.
While defining components, Subject Matter Experts continue collaborating with the Automation Engineer.
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Q. 68: What is the role of Automation Engineer in the Business Process Testing Model?
The Automation Engineer is an expert in using an automated testing tool, such as QTP. The Automation Engineer works with the Subject Matter Expert to identify the resources that are needed for the various business process tests.
The Automation Engineer then prepares the resources and settings required for testing the features associated with each specific component, and stores them in an application area within the same Quality Center project used by the Subject Matter Experts who create and run the business process tests for the specific application.
The Automation Engineer uses QTP features and functionality to create these resources from within QTP.
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Q. 69: What are the Differences Between Components and Tests?
# A component is a single entity. It cannot contain multiple actions or have calls to other actions or to other components.
# When working with components, all external files are stored in the Quality Center project to which we are currently connected.
# The name of the component node in the Keyword View is the same as the saved component. We cannot rename the node.
# Business components are created in the Keyword View, not the Expert View.
# We add resources via the component’s application area, and not directly to the component.
# Components use custom keywords created in function libraries to perform operations, such as verifying property values and opening the application we are testing.
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Q. 70: How can we compare objects among two object repositories?
In QTP, we can compare existing assets from two object repositories using the Object Repository Comparison Tool.
The tool is accessible from the Object Repository Manager, and enables us to compare different object repository resources, or different versions of the same object repository resource, and identify similarities, variations, or changes.
Differences between objects in the two object repository files, named the First and Second files, are identified according to default rules. During the comparison process, the object repository files remain unchanged.
After the compare process, the Comparison Tool provides a graphic presentation of the objects in the object repositories, which are shown as nodes in a hierarchy.
Q. 71: What are the various types of objects identified by the comparison tool in QTP?
1) Identical: Objects that appear in both object repository files. There is no difference in their name or in their properties.
2) Matching description, different name: Objects that appear in both object repository files that have different names, but the same description properties and values.
3) Similar description: Objects that appear in both object repository files that have similar, but not identical, description properties and values. One of the objects always has a subset of the properties set of the other object. This implies that it is likely to be a less detailed description of the same object. For example, an object named Button_1 in the second object repository has the same description properties and values as an object named Button_1 in the first object repository, but also has additional properties and values.
Objects that do not have a description, such as Page or Browser objects, are compared by name only. If the same object is contained in both the object repositories but with different names, they will be shown in the object repositories as two separate objects.
4) Unique to first file, or Unique to second file. Objects that appear in only one of the object repository files.
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Q. 72: What are the situations best suited to Recording in QTP?
Recording can be useful in the following situations:
# Recording helps novice QTP users learn how QTP interprets the operations we perform on our application, and how it converts them to QTP objects and built-in operations.
# Recording can be useful for more advanced QTP users when working with a new application or major new features of an existing application. Recording is also helpful while developing functions that incorporate built-in QTP keywords.
# Recording can be useful when we need to quickly create a test that tests the basic functionality of an application or feature, but does not require long-term maintenance.
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Q. 73: What are the advantages of Keyword Driven testing in QTP?
1) Keyword-driven testing enables us to design our tests at a business level rather than at the object level.
2) By incorporating technical operations, such as a synchronization statement that waits for client-server communications to finish, into higher level keywords, tests are easier to read and easier for less technical application testers to maintain when the application changes.
3) Keyword-driven testing naturally leads to a more efficient separation between resource maintenance and test maintenance. This enables the automation experts to focus on maintaining objects and functions while application testers focus on maintaining the test structure and design.
4) When we record tests, we may not notice that new objects are being added to the local object repository. This may result in many testers maintaining local object repositories with copies of the same objects. When using a keyword-driven methodology, we select the objects for our steps from the existing object repository. When we need a new object, we can add it to our local object repository temporarily, but we are also aware that we need to add it to the shared object repository for future use.
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Q. 74: What are Absolute and Relative Paths in QTP?
We can save QTP resources, such as shared object repositories, function libraries, recovery scenarios or environments, using absolute or relative paths.
1) An absolute path: Describes the full path to a specific file starting from a fixed location such as the root directory, or the drive on which the file is located, and contains all the other sub-directories in the path. An absolute path always points to the specified file, regardless of the current directory.
2) A relative path: Describes the path to a specific file starting from a given directory, and is generally only a portion of the absolute path. A relative path therefore specifies the location of the file relative to the given location in the file system.
Using relative paths means that the paths remain valid when files or folders containing files are moved or copied to other locations or computers, provided that they are moved within the same folder structure. For this reason, we recommend that we use relative paths when saving resources in QTP.
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Q. 75: What are the situations best suited to Keyword-driven methodology in QTP?
The keyword-driven methodology is especially useful for organizations that have both technical and less technical users because it offers a clear division of automation tasks. This enables a few experts to maintain the resource framework while less technical users design and maintain automated test steps. Additionally, once the basic infrastructure is in place, both types of users can often do their tasks simultaneously.
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Q. 76: What are the steps for implementing tests with Keyword Driven Methodology?
Step 1: Analyze the application to find out the testing needs: In this step, weu determine our application’s development environment, such as Web, Java, or .NET, so that we can load the required QTP add-ins. We also find out the business processes and functionality we want to test.
Step 2: Set up object repositories: After we decide what we want to test and how to divide our actions, we build the set of resources to be used by our tests. The most widely used resource is the shared object repository.
Step 3: Create function libraries: After we create our object repositories, we create function libraries containing functions that extend QTP functionality. Application testers can use these keywords to build keyword-driven tests.
Step 4: Configure QTP according to our testing needs: Here we set up the global testing preferences, run session preferences, and any test-specific preferences. If needed, we can create recovery scenarios that instruct QTP how to proceed when a step fails. We also configure the QTP window so that we can easily access any needed panes, such as the Test Flow pane, the Resources pane, and the Available Keywords pane.
Step 5: Build the tests: We now construct our tests by inserting calls to the relevant actions from our tests. Ccreate one or more empty tests and add actions to them. Make sure that we associate our object repositories with the relevant actions, and associate our function libraries and recovery scenarios with the relevant tests, so that we can insert steps using keywords. We may also need to configure test preferences at this point.
Step 6: Add steps to the test actions: Add steps that use the keywords we created in previous steps. We can then enhance our tests by inserting checkpoints and output values to verify that our application is behaving according to expectations. We can add programmatic statements to further enhance our tests.
Step 7: Run, analyze, and troubleshoot our tests: When our tests are ready, we run them, view the run results, and troubleshoot our tests, as needed.
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Q. 77: How do we analyze our application to determine our testing needs using QTP?
1) Determine the development environments that QuickTest needs to support: Our application comprises of windows containing a hierarchy of objects that were created in one or more development environments. QTP provides support for these environments using add-ins. We load QTP add-ins when QTP opens by using the Add-in Manager dialog box. We can check which add-ins are loaded by choosing Help > About QTP.
2) Prepare the information that QTP needs to identify objects in our application and to open our application at the beginning of a run session. We need to know the URL, the executable file name and path, or other command-line information. Later, we will enter this in Record and Run Settings dialog box.
3) Navigate through our application from a cusf nr5tomer’s perspective and perform the tasks that customers might perform. We create an action for each sub-process, or task, a customer might perform. Each process we perform in our application will be represented as a test in QTP. We can create our tests now.
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Q. 78: In what situations recording mechanism shall be useful in creating tests in QTP?
1) We are new to QTP and want to learn how QTP interprets the operations we perform on our application and how it converts them to QTP objects and built-in operations.
2) We need to quickly create a test that tests the basic functionality of an application or feature, and the test does not require long-term maintenance.
3) We are working with a new application or with major new features of an existing application, and we want to learn how QTP interacts with the application.
4) We are developing functions that incorporate built-in QTP keywords.
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Q. 79: What are the various Recording Modes in QTP?
1) Normal or the default recording mode: This records the objects in our application and the operations performed on them. This mode takes full advantage of the QTP object model, recognizing the objects in our application regardless of their location on the screen.
2) Analog Recording: This enables us to record the exact mouse and keyboard operations we perform in relation to either the screen or the application window. In this recording mode, QTP records and tracks every movement of the mouse as we drag the mouse around a screen or window.
3) Low Level Recording:This enables us to record on any object in our application, whether or not QTP recognizes the specific object or the specific operation. This mode records at the object level and records all run-time objects as Window or WinObject test objects.
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Q. 80: How can we switch to Low Level Recording mode while editing a test?
We can switch to Low Level Recording mode only while recording a test. The option is not available while editing a test.
Q. 81: What is the use of Keyword View in QTP?
The Keyword View enables us to create and view the steps of our test in a modular, table format.
Each step is a row in the Keyword View that is comprised of individual, modifiable parts. We create and modify steps by selecting items and operations in the Keyword View and entering information as required. Each step is automatically documented as we complete it, enabling us to view a description of our test in understandable sentences.
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Q. 82: What are Conditional and Loop Statements used in the Keyword View in QTP?
Using conditional statements, we can incorporate decision making into the tests. Using loop statements, we can run a group of steps repeatedly, either while or until a condition is true. We can also use loop statements to repeat a group of steps a specific number of times. A few conditional & Loop statements are given below:
1) If...Then statement
2) ElseIf...Then statement
3) Else statement
4) While...Wend statement
5) For...Next statement
6) Do...While statement
7) Do...Until statement
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Q. 83: What is the use of a Comment in the Comment cell of a step in QTP?
A Comment is free text entry which can help improve readability and make a test easier to update. For example, we may want to add a comment step at the beginning of each action to specify what that section includes.
QTP does not process comments when it runs a test.
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Q. 84: What are Nesting Actions & what is the use of them?
Sometimes we may want to call an action from within an action. This is called nesting. By nesting actions, you can:
1) Maintain the modularity of your test.
2) Run one or more actions based on the results of a conditional statement.
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Q. 85: Splitting Actions option is not available under what circumstances in QTP?
You cannot split an action, and the option is disabled when:
1) An external action is selected
2) The first step of an action is selected
3) We are working with a read-only test
4) Recording a test
5) Running a test
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Q. 86: What is the use of Action Parameters in QTP?
Action parameters enable us to transfer input values from our test to a top-level action, from a parent action to a nested action, or from an action to a sibling action that occurs later in the test.
We can use action parameters in any step in our action including function calls.
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Q. 87: What are the various types of Exit Action Statements in QTP?
There are four types of exit action statements we can use:
1) ExitAction: Exits the current action, regardless of its iteration attributes.
2) ExitActionIteration: Exits the current iteration of the action.
3) ExitRun: Exits the test, regardless of its iteration attributes.
4) ExitGlobalIteration: Exits the current global iteration.
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Q. 88: What is the use of Checkpoints in QTP?
A checkpoint is a verification point that compares a current value for a specified property with the expected value for that property. This enables us to identify whether our application is functioning correctly.
When we run the test, QTP compares the expected results of the checkpoint to the current results. If the results do not match, the checkpoint fails. We can view the results of the checkpoint in the Test Results window.
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Q. 89: What are the situations best suited for using an existing Checkpoint?
1) If each page of our application contains our organization’s logo, we can reuse a bitmap checkpoint to verify each occurrence in the application.
2) If our application contains multiple edit boxes, we can reuse a checkpoint to confirm the enabled status of these edit boxes throughout our test.
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Q. 90: What is the reason that "Add Existing Checkpoint" dialog box is not visible?
"Add Existing Checkpoint" dialog box option is available only if at least one of the object repositories associated with the current action (including the local object repository) contains at least one checkpoint.
Q. 91: What is a Standard Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which checks the property value of an object in our application. The standard checkpoint checks a variety of objects such as buttons, radio buttons, combo boxes, lists, and so forth. For example, we can check that a radio button is activated after it is selected or we can check the value of an edit box.
Standard checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments.
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Q. 92: What is a Image Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint ahich checks the value of an image in our application. For example, we can check that a selected image’s source file is correct. Image checkpoint is created by inserting a standard checkpoint on an image object.
Image checkpoints are supported for the Web add-in environment.
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Q. 93: What is a Bitmap Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which checks an area of our application as a bitmap. For example, suppose we have a Web site that can display a map of a city the user specifies. The map has control keys for zooming. We can record the new map that is displayed after one click on the control key that zooms in the map. Using the bitmap checkpoint, we can check that the map zooms in correctly.
We can create a bitmap checkpoint for any area in our application, including buttons, text boxes, and tables.
Bitmap checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments
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Q. 94: What is a Table Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which checks information within a table. For example, suppose our application contains a table listing all available flights from New Delhi to Chennai. We can add a table checkpoint to check that the time of the first flight in the table is correct.
We create a table checkpoint by inserting a standard checkpoint on a table object.
Table checkpoints are supported for Web, ActiveX, Java, Oracle, and .NET Windows Forms environments, as well as other add-in environments
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Q. 95: What is a Text Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which checks that a text string is displayed in the appropriate place on a Web page or application. For example, suppose a Web page displays the sentence Flight departing from New Delhi to Chennai. We can create a text checkpoint that checks that the words "New Delhi" are displayed between "Flight departing from" and "to Chennai".
Text checkpoints are supported for most add-in environments
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Q. 96: What is a Text Area Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which checks that a text string is displayed within a defined area in a Windows-based application, according to specified criteria. For example, suppose our Visual Basic application has a button that says View Doc , where is replaced by the four digit code entered in a form elsewhere in the application. We can create a text area checkpoint to confirm that the number displayed on the button is the same as the number entered in the form.
Text area checkpoints are supported for all Windows-based environments, such as Standard Windows, Visual Basic, and ActiveX add-in environments
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Q. 97: What is an Accessibility Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which identifies areas of our Web site that may not conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. For example, guideline 1.1 of the W3C Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines requires us to provide a text equivalent for every non-text element. We can add an Alt property check to check whether objects that require the Alt property under this guideline, do in fact have this tag.
Accessibility checkpoints are supported for the Web add-in environment.
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Q. 98: What is a Page Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint checks the characteristics of a Web page. For example, we can check how long a Web page takes to load or whether a Web page contains broken links.
We create a page checkpoint by inserting a standard checkpoint on a page object. Page checkpoints are supported for the Web add-in environment.
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Q. 99: What is a Database Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which checks the contents of a database accessed by our application. For example, we can use a database checkpoint to check the contents of a database containing flight information for our Web site.
Database checkpoints are supported for all add-in environments
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Q. 100: What is a XML Check Point in QTP?
It is a checkpoint which checks the data content of XML documents in XML files or XML documents in Web pages and frames. The XML Checkpoint option is supported for the Web add-in environment & for all add-in environments.


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