' =============================================================
' function: ImportDataSheet
' desc : Imports a single data sheet
' params : strFile - full path of the xls file with the sheet
' strSource - name of the sheet on the xls
' strTarget - name of the sheet to import it to
' returns : void
' =============================================================
Function ImportDataSheet(strFile, strSource, strTarget)
Dim objFS
' create a file system object
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' check that the source file exists
If objFS.FileExists(strFile) Then
' ensure that our target sheet exists
DataTable.AddSheet strTarget
' import the sheet
DataTable.Importsheet strFile, strSource, strTarget
' fail if the xls was not found
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Import Data Table", "Unable to Import Data Table From '" & strFile & "', File Does Not Exist"
End If
' destroy the object
Set objFS = Nothing
End Function 'ImportDataSheet