' =============================================================
' function: WriteLog
' desc : Writes a message to a log file. File is created
' inside a Log folder of the current directory
' params : strCode is a code to prefix the message with
' strMessage is the message to add to the file
' returns : void
' =============================================================
Function WriteLog(strCode, strMessage)
Dim objFS
Dim objFile
Dim objFolder
Dim strFileName
' create a file system object
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' is there a log folder in the directory that we are currently working
If Not objFS.FolderExists(objFS.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "\log") Then
' if there is no log folder, create one
Set objFolder = objFS.CreateFolder(objFS.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "\log")
End If ' folder exists
' set a name for the log file using year, month and day values
strFileName = objFS.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "\log\" & year(date) & month(date) & day(date) & ".log"
' create the log file
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 8, True)
' in case of any issues writing the file
On Error Resume Next
' write the log entry, include a carriage return
objFile.Write Date & ", " & Time & ", " & strCode & ", " & strMessage & vbcrlf
' disable the on error statement
On Error GoTo 0
' close the log file
' destrory the object
Set objFS = Nothing
End Function ' WriteLog